ver biografía 2010

Eric Christian Robison - 1999 Eric Robison siempre quiso ser artista sentía que debía desarrollar su lado "sensible". Él estudió economía en la universidad de California, Irvine. Cuando estaba haciendo su tesis en  economía. descubrió que estaba mas interesado en las ilustraciones y la portada que en la tesis en sí y lo hacia tan bien que su profesor le recomendó que dejara la economía y se dedicara al área artística. Un par de años después de la graduación, Robison se hizo las mismas preguntas. En 1984 él se alistó en la universidad: centro del arte del diseño en Pasadena, California. El resto, como dicen, es historia. Hoy, Robison es un artista, un diseñador y un filmmaker con un gran sentido del estilo, del color y de la composición ha trabajado para clientes tales como la compañía de Walt Disney, los estudios universal del MCA, el Warner Bros. y las  Olimpiadas del verano en Atlanta 1996.

Biografía - Eric Robison - 2003 Las pinturas interpretativas de Eric Robison de los caracteres de Disney se han estado vendiendo continuamente; desde su primer Goofy en la galería de Disney en 1990. Ahora después de 200 caracteres en su lista, su trabajo ha cruzado las fronteras internacionales en  forma de litografías y de carteles, de edición limitada. Robison tiene una inclinación natural para capturar elementos de la tradición y de convertirlos en una expresión ecléctica de las imágenes visuales. Su método de creatividad es agresivo. Pinta con espátula, los dedos, y los pinceles creando texturas y mezclas de color puro. Su trabajo se ha descrito como "teatral y festivo". Eric todavía trabaja como consultor para la compañía de Walt Disney y recientemente ha terminado 100 retratos del ratón de Mickey para Disneylandia, para la celebración del  cumpleaños 100 de Walt Disney. Mientras que recibía su entrenamiento formal en el centro del arte, él creó los nuevos conceptos para los juguetes tales como “hot weels” en Mattel Toys® y contribuyó al diseño conceptual del BMW Z-9 para Stehrenberger y Clenét. El se graduó de diseño industrial (con honores) en 1987 y consiguió su primer logro en la industria del cine cuando sus diseños de tesis aparecen en la película de suspenso de ciencia ficción de Carolco, "Total Recall." Más adelante ese mismo año, trabajó en el diseño de empaques  para Pacific Packaging, sus clientes incluyeron Clinique, Maybelline, Vidal Sasoon, y STP, Eric trabajo para Walt Disney Imagineering, el subsidiario del diseño de la compañía de Walt Disney. trabajó en numerosos proyectos, incluyendo las atracciones para Disneyland París y Tokio Disneyland y los parques de Anaheim y Long Beach. Él fue capaz de  aprender de las leyendas de Disney Herb Ryman y Frank Armitage. Sus trabajos se han expuesto en el museo de Chicago de la ciencia y de la industria; La galería del centro del arte y el teatro de Knightsbridge en Pasadena, California; La galería en Anaheim, California de Disney; y cada año la exposición Herbert Ryman Living Master Art Show en Glendale, California. Eric continúa siendo consultor de la industria del entretenimiento. Sus proyectos más recientes incluyen las ilustraciones conceptuales para las nuevas atracciones en Tokio Disneyland, storyboards para las películas tales como "Jumanji," y el diseño de varios juegos de video. Su trabajo incluye cinco litografías conmemorativas de la celebración "Pearl of the Orient" de Hong Kong  en 1997 y una serie de retratos del personajes de Disney para la galería de Disney. Eric reside actualmente en Southern California, and Guadeloupe, French West Indies, con su esposa Angela.



Eric Robison always thought about being an artist while he was growing up, but he felt he should do the "sensible" thing. So he studied economics at the University of California , Irvine , and readied himself for a career of preparing reports, attending meetings and wearing three-piece suits. And then came his senior thesis in economics. The paper did all right, but the artwork on the cover did even better, prompting his professor to ask, "What are you doing in economics? Why aren't you studying art?" After graduation and a couple of years of crunching numbers, Robison asked himself the same questions. So in 1984 he traded in his calculator for a sketch pad and enrolled at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California . The rest, as they say, is history. Today, Robison is an artist, designer and filmmaker whose bold sense of style, color and composition can be seen in his own efforts, as well as the work he does and has done for such clients as The Walt Disney Company, MCA Universal Studios, Warner Bros. and the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta .


Bio - Eric Robison - 2003 Eric Robison's interpretive paintings of Disney Characters have been selling out continually since his first Goofy at the Disney Gallery in 1990. Now with over 200 characters in his portfolio, his work has crossed international borders in the form of limited edition lithographs, posters, and more. Robison has a natural inclination to capture elements of tradition and twist them into an eclectic expression of visual imagery. His method of creativity is aggressive and bold. Painting with sticks, fingers, and brushes he creates texture and raw blends of color that sets the scene for his subject. His work has been described as "theatrical and festive". Eric still works as a consultant for the Walt Disney Company and recently finished 100 Mickey Mouse portraits for Disneyland® Park in celebration of Walt Disney's 100th Birthday.

Biografía - Eric Robison - 1999 Eric Robison always thought about being an artist while he was growing up, but he felt he should do the "sensible" thing. So he studied economics at the University of California , Irvine , and readied himself for a career in preparing reports, attending meetings, and wearing three-piece suits. Then came his senior thesis in economics. The paper did all right but the artwork on the cover did even better, prompting his professor to ask, "What are you doing in economics? Why aren't you studying art?" After graduation and a couple years of crunching numbers, Eric asked himself the same questions. So in 1984 he traded his calculator for a sketchpad and enrolled in the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena , California . Today, Eric is an artist, designer, and filmmaker whose bold sense of style, color, and composition can be seen in his own efforts, as well as the work he does and has done for such clients as The Walt Disney Company, MCA Universal Studios, Warner Bros., and the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta . It didn't take long for Eric to realize he had made the right choice choosing to art over economics. While receiving his formal training at Art Center , he created new concepts for toys such as Hot Wheels and Transformers at Mattel Toys® and contributed to the conceptual design of the Z-9 BMW for Stehrenberger & Clenét. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design (with honors) in 1987 and got his first taste of the entertainment industry when designs he had painted for his senior project ended up appearing in Carolco Pictures' science fiction thriller, “total recall” Later that year, after a stint designing product packaging for Pacific Packaging, whose clients included Clinique, Maybelline, Vidal Sasoon, and STP, Eric joined Walt Disney Imagineering, the design subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. He worked on numerous projects, including attractions for Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disneyland and the proposed theme parks for Anaheim and Long Beach . He was able to learn from such Disney legends as Herb Ryman and Frank Armitage. Using sticks, fingers and brushes, Eric paints with an aggressive blend of raw texture and vivid color that has been described as both intellectual and theatrical. His bold and expressive works have been shown at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry; The Art Center Gallery and the Knightsbridge Theater in Pasadena , California ; The Disney Gallery in Anaheim , California ; and the annual Herbert Ryman Living Master Art Show in Glendale , California . Eric continues to consult with the entertainment industry. His most recent projects include conceptual artwork for new attractions at Tokyo Disneyland, storyboards for motion pictures such as "Jumanji," and the design of various video games. His commissioned work includes five commemorative lithographs for Hong Kong 's " Pearl of the Orient" Celebration in 1997 and a series of Disney character portraits for The Disney Gallery. Eric currently resides in Southern California , and Guadeloupe , French West Indies , with his wife Angela.